
The MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT is a political representative of the Inkhundla in the House of Assembly. The Member of Parliament is subject to the Constitution and the law establishing the Parliament of Swaziland. In so far as performing community work outside Parliament, the Member of Parliament is subject to the guidance of national policy parameters. The Regional Administrator may guide the Members of Parliament of his region on such policy parameters. In executing his political representation duties he shall:

  1. Through observing local community protocols mobilize the Inkhundla community to articulate its desired policy ambition and direction.
  2. Ensure that the community's desired public policy ambitions and directions are integrated into the national policy and legislative agenda through parliamentary and general national government procedures and protocols
  3. Through appropriate community structures give feedback to the Inkhundla community of new national policies and legislation either in the course of preparation or adoption.
  4. Be an ambassador of the Inkhundla in the National political Sphere.
  5. Have right to request reports on government programmes and projects implemented in the Inkhundla by Government agencies and have the right to intervene and advise where such is required for the good and benefit of the community.
  6. Inform the Inkhundla Committee on all of his/her community initiatives and programmes in furtherance of his/her mandate before and after such initiatives and programmes have been implemented.
  7. Perform  any other duty that he may be required and permitted to do to achieve the objectives of the Tinkhundla based system of government.

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