Geological Survey

Mission Statement.
The Geological Survey and Mines Department is vested with a mandate of geological mapping and assessing the mineral resources of the country.

The Department has the following objectives:

(i) Collect and collate all forms of geoscientific data.
(ii) Dissemination of geoscientific information to interested parties.
(iii) Provision of consultation services and expert advice to interested parties.

Geological Mapping Unit
Geological mapping is an ongoing activity of the department.
The geological mapping section is currently revising the geological and structural maps of the country with the view of updating them.
The country has been mapped at the following scales:

(i) 1:250 000 (one (1) sheet covering the whole country)
(ii) 1:50 000 (Thirty one (31) sheets covering the whole country)
(iii) 1:25 000 (Four sheets (4) covering the Barberton Greenstone Belt in the northwestern part of the country)

All these publications are available in analogue format

Current Activities
(i) Geological Mapping at a scale of 1:25,000 of the Kubuta/Moihoek area with the view of making corrections on Geological map sheet 24. (an area of 100 square kilometres will be mapped during the financial year 2009/2010.

(ii) Detailed Geological Mapping of the Mhlosheni granite pluton with the aim of evaluating its potential for dimension stone production.

Future activities

(i) Planned projects include production of digital format maps
(ii) Production of engineering geology maps with emphasis on growth points to assist planners and developers.

Economic Geology Unit
Economic Geology section is responsible for investigating and recording the mineral potential of the country with the view of promoting the economy through mining activities.

Current Activities:
(i) Mapping a coal resource at a scale of 1:10,000 North of Phuzumoya.
(ii) Identify and drill borehole for coal and methane gas evaluation in the coal field.
(iii) Development of a mineral deposits database.

(i) Production of a mineral deposits map at a scale of 1:250 000

Coal Unit
The Coal Unit is responsible for conducting coal exploration within the Karoo Supergroup.

(i) Evaluate and assess the coal deposits.
(ii) Collect and collate data on coal exploration in the coal- field of Swaziland.
(iii) Disseminate information on the coal resources of Swaziland to interested parties.

Proven coal reserves occur in the following areas:
(i) Mhlume
(ii) Sulutane (Area I)
(iii) Mpaka (Area II)
(iv) Mabhekaphansi (Area III)
(v) Lubhuku
(vi) Maloma.

Classified Reports
1. Shell Coal Swaziland (Pty) Limited (Thirty one (31) Report from 1975-1979
2. JCI Consulting Engineers' Department. (Two (2) Reports 1975.
3. Anglo American Corporation of South Africa (Three (3) Report from 1972-1975.
4. Inter - Coal Trading A.G., (Three (3) Reports from 1979-1982.
5. Swaziland Coal EPL2 / 1974., February 1976. Final Report on Exploration.
6. Swaziland Geological Survey and Mines Department (Coal Unit Reports)

The Hydrogeology Unit:
The unit is responsible for exploration, evaluation and monitoring of the groundwater resources of the country.

(i) Undertakes research on major groundwater systems (aquifers) of Swaziland.
(ii) Conduct groundwater resources assessment and monitoring changes in groundwater levels and quality.
(iii) Gives advice on the protection of groundwater resources from pollution.
(iv) Advises on investigations, management and planning of the use of groundwater resources in Swaziland.
(v) Disseminates hydrogeological information to interested parties.
(vi) Administers the country's Boreholes Regulation of 1995.
(vii) Maintains an updated database of boreholes and wells in Swaziland.


Chemical Laboratory.
The function of the chemical laboratory is to do analysis of a wide range of geological material as well as research and development of new analytical techniques. Currently most chemical analyses are carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after nitric acid digestion.

(i) Water quality analysis of groundwater samples.
(ii) Chemical analysis of rocks, soil and stream sediment samples from exploration and mapping programmes.
(iii) Preparation of thin and polished sections for mineral identification.
(iv) Provides analysis / identification of minerals to interested parties.

This section provides drilling services to various sections of the Department. Groundwater boreholes for private and public institutions are also drilled through the Hydrogeology Unit.

This section provides Cartographic and drafting services to the various sections of the Department. It is also responsible for the safe keeping and sale of the various publications to the public.

This section is responsible for gathering, archiving relevant geological documents, publications and reference books

Directorate: vacant
Postal Address: P.O. Box 57
Physical Address: Geological Survey and Mines Building
Fax Number: +268 2404 5840
Telephone: +268 2404 4330
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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