
The mandate of the section is to promote Piggery production in Swaziland with emphasis on cmmercialization of the pig industry.


The Piggery Section commits itself to provide quality extension service towards sustainable and diversified Piggery industry.


Our mission is to provide quality service to communities and farmers and other stakeholders through effective extension service. This is done by delivering research based information to the target audience through workshops, and visitations to give skills and knowledge to improve the quality of their lives.



In Swaziland piggery production is one of the developing industries which is not well established yet. Therefore the piggery extension provides service to local farmers in order to commercialize the industry as per the Livestock Commercialization Policy. Government, through the livestock extension department, educates farmers in all aspects of piggery production including the ideal breeding stock to purchase for the climate of Swaziland. The government also facilitates such purchases by providing free transport to any farmer or aspiring farmer who would like to import their breeding stock from the Republic of South Africa. Government also provides breeding stock in the form of gilts (young sows) to local farmers. The breeding stock is bred at Mpisi which is one of the local Animal breeding stations in Swaziland. Unfortunately the demand of the breeding stock from the local farmers is higher than the supply ,therefore, the livestock extension department imports the breeding stock on behalf of the farmers from South Africa. The farmers pay only for the cost of the breeding stock and government covers all the other costs which include importation permit and transportation. However, the farmer has to pay for quarantine services to Government. The essence of this is to meet Government' s objectives of: 

• Ensuring food security.
• Alleviating poverty.
• Providing income generation.
• Driving towards self-sufficiency in poultry and poultry products.

Who is eligible to apply for the service

• Farmers on Swazi Nation Land or Title Deed Land.
• Communities
• Individuals
• Organized Groups

What do you do to obtain the service?
• The farmer goes to our local offices which are located in all the four regions
• The farmer may also attend meetings or workshops organized by the extension workers in the communities

When to apply?

Any time of the year as a need for the service arise.

How much does it cost to obtain the service?
      Currently it is free. Quarantine costs E30 per pig per month.

8. Where can I get more information?

    Please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





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