


To be a leader in facilitating efficient service delivery for a sustainable and prosperous livestock sector.


The mandate is to equip livestock producers with adequate knowledge, skill and technical expertise on the efficient management of all resources that will ensure profitable returns and an efficient and sustainable livestock industry. The thrust is to promote commercialization of cattle, poultry, pig and goat production to ensure food security, poverty alleviation and improved living standards of the farming community.


To create a favourable policy and legal framework for the sustainable development of the livestock industry; and to provide support services that increase productivity, value addition and market access for the sub-sector products.

Core values:

  •  Professionalism
  •  Meritocracy
  • Integrity
  •  Impartiality
  •  Gender Equity
  •  Team Work 

Core Functions:

       1. To promote commercialisation of beef, dairy, poultry, pig and goat production.
       2. To encourage diversified livestock production.
       3. To promote proper management of farm animal genetic resources.
       4. To encourage conservation, improvement and utilisation of indigenous livestock resources.
       5. To promote proper management of grazing lands and monitor range resource utilisation.
       6. To facilitate marketing and trade of livestock and livestock products.
       7. To Strengthen marketing information and information systems
       8. To Improve access to finance and credit for farmers
       9. Promote development of agro- based industry through value addition initiatives.

The Animal production Division is constitutes the following sections:

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