


06 May 2020: His Majesty King Mswati III has thanked EmaSwati from all walks of life for their efforts in helping the country fight COVID-19.

Speaking at a press briefing at Ludzidzini Royal Residence, His Majesty paid tribute, in particular, to the country's frontline workers while urging EmaSwati to continue observing all health guidelines and precautions to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

"We thank all EmaSwati who have worked tirelessly in fighting COVID-19, particularly our frontline workers. We do not want to lose any more lives in this battle. It is important that, as we begin this gradual reopening of the economy, we do not let up on the health measures including regularly washing our hands, staying at home & wearing face masks. It is also important that we do not spread this virus. We should all take the responsibility to protect ourselves & those around us. It is also encouraging to note that some patients in the country have recovered from COVID-19," His Majesty said.

The King lamented the fact that the virus struck at a time when the county's economy was stabilising and emphasised the need for a multifaceted approach in dealing with both the pandemic and economy.

"It is unfortunate that this disease has come at a time when our economy was showing signs of recovery. Now, it has watered down all our efforts which is why we need good strategies in this two-pronged approach of defeating COVID-19 & keeping the economy alive," the King added.

His Majesty also assured the Nation of Government's full commitment to beating COVID-19 while also thanking all partners who have contributed to the country's fight against the virus.

"EmaSwati have always been in our thoughts and we pray that a vaccine is found soon. Government has been working hard to ensure that we win this battle. We will also be continuing to do everything in our power to bring home all EmaSwati in foreign countries. We are also appreciative of the assistance we have received from many partners to aid our fight against COVID-19. In particular, we wish to thank Taiwan who have sent us doctors & high level equipment. Taiwan's management of COVID-19 has been exemplary and we can learn from their methods. The truth is no country can win this battle alone," His Majesty said.





Mbabane, Eswatini – In line with His Excellency the Right Honourable Prime Minister’s announcement of the revision of the gradual relaxation of business operations, Government, through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade has come to the decision to revoke some of the permits issued over the past week.

The following permits are hereby revoked, effective Friday the 24th April 2020:

  1. 1. Car dealerships
  2. 2. Craft Vendors
  3. 3. Photographic Studios
  4. 4. Agents and Consultants
  5. 5. Dry Cleaners
  6. 6. Driving Schools
  7. 7. Furniture Shops
  8. 8. General Dealers not selling food items
  9. 9. Car Wash business
  10. 10. Casinos and gambling shops
  11. 11. Clothing Shops – only baby clothes and baby essentials shall be on sale, under revised conditions.

The following businesses shall continue to operate but under strict conditions:

  1. 1. Retail outlets selling baby clothes and essentials – These shall now operate two days a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, between 10am and 3pm.
  2. 2. Stationery Shops – These shall operate daily between 9am and 3pm
  3. 3. Automobile Workshops, Spares Shops, Repairs & Breakdown Services – These shall also operate daily between 9am and 3pm. Breakdown Services will, however, operate on extended hours based on emergencies.
  4. 4. Construction – These shall operate daily but under very strict guidelines as guided by the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health.

Essential Industries as announced on the 27th March 2020 will remain operational for now, also under the conditions set out by the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

  1. 1. Food and Agriculture; which includes:
  • Those involved in the food value chain
  • Food vendors
  1. 2. Retail and consumer goods suppliers, which include:
  • • Consumer Goods suppliers
  • • Food Retailers e.g. food outlets, raw material suppliers and farmers
  • • Those involved in the transportation, logistics and packaging of consumer goods
  • • Other Retail Goods that support the medical industry e.g. bedding, linen and emergency clothing for hospitals, health workers and those caring for the sick
  1. 3. Network Infrastructure; which include:
  • • Water, waste water and sanitation
  • • Electricity suppliers
  • • Renewable Energy suppliers
  • • Gas suppliers
  • • Fuel suppliers
  • • Law enforcement
  • • Defence, Safety and Security
  • • Waste disposal
  • • Fire and Emergency services
  • • Mining and power stations
  1. 4. Medical and Health; which include:
  • • Hospitals
  • • Devices and Equipment
  • • Pharmaceuticals
  • • Funders
  • • Doctors, nurses, paramedics e.t.c.
  1. 5. Forestry and Sawmills
  • • For the production of disposable, health and hygiene products including toilet paper as well as for packaging for food and the health supply chain.
  1. 6. IT Systems and Telecommunications
  2. 7. Finance and Insurance
  3. 8. Tourism and Hospitality
  4. 9. Communications e.g. Media
  5. 10. Hardware Shops
  6. 11. Funeral Parlours
  7. 12. NGOs - particularly those servicing essential industries.
  8. 13. Public Transport and cross-border trade transport
  • • These will operate under the guidelines that the Government, through the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, has issued.
  • • For cross-border transport, this will be restricted to essential services as defined in Eswatini, South Africa and Mozambique.

All other businesses shall remain closed.

Warning Against Price Inflation, Unfair Business Practices

In conclusion, the Ministry has noted with concern that some businesses continue to inflate prices for food and goods to the detriment of the consumers. On the other hand, we have received disturbing reports of some some shops that force consumers to buy goods for a certain amount before they can be sold scarce commodities. As a Ministry, we strongly condemn such acts. This is in contravention of Section 18 of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Regulations 2020.

We shall, therefore, be vigilant and conduct random inspections working together with armed forces. Anyone found to be in breach of these Regulations shall be liable to a fine not exceeding E500 000 as stated in Section 24.

Released by:

Senator Manqoba B. Khumalo

Minister for Commerce, Industry and Trade

23rd April 2020





The Kingdom of Eswatini has embarked on a robust drive to transform the economy and set this country on a path towards sustainable growth and stability. This noble mission is shared and supported by EmaSwati from all corners of our Kingdom. We need a strong and resilient economy to improve and sustain the livelihoods of EmaSwati and future generations.

However, we cannot achieve that goal if the lives of EmaSwati are threatened by a silent killer whose sting and pulse knows no bounds and boundaries. Our efforts to reignite our economy will be a futile exercise if we do not confront this enemy which continues to wreck havoc across the world, causing panic and uncertainty.

Eswatini, like the rest of the world, has traversed through an unprecedented and indefinite path over the past 20 days, when all our non essential services remained suspended to control the spread of the coronavirus also known as COVID 19. The partial lockdown that began on March 27 has changed the way of life as we are used to. It has strained our economy, adversely affected business, health and education, and delayed our economic renewal drive.

No one in the world had been prepared for this pandemic, but the international community is bound by the common objective to rid our globe of this highly contagious virus so that our lives may return to normal as soon as practically possible. Tough decisions have had to be made to protect our citizens and keep the country safe and secure.

It was therefore necessary as a country that we introduce a partial lockdown at the command and wise counsel of His Majesty King Mswati III and Ingwenyama in order to save lives. Projections from health professionals indicate that the partial lockdown measures may have delayed the onset of the infection peak by one to six months, and likely to have reduced the cumulative number of infections in Eswatini.  We have seen positive COVID-19 cases increase by seven more during the partial lockdown.  

These projections and increase in confirmed cases show that we are not yet at the point of flattening the curve. While a lot has been achieved over the past 20 days, the risk of an uncontrollable spread remains high.

It is for this reason that I have been commanded by His Majesty King Mswati III to announce an extension of the partial lockdown for another three weeks effective at midnight today. Bayethe Wena Waphakathi.

This extension of 21 days will buy the country more time to contain the spread of the virus and avoid overwhelming our health system. It will give us enough time to flatten the curve, allow us to aggressively fight the virus, train more health workers and acquire the requisite medical equipment to help EmaSwati face this virus head on.

His Majesty has commanded that this should be a relaxed partial lockdown, allowing low risk non essential business to operate under strict hygiene conditions. This will ensure that we balance the health interests and economic stability of the Kingdom. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade will announce the low risk non essential business identified in this extended lockdown.

A number of health interventions will be undertaken to aggressively contain the spread of COVID 19 over the next 21 days. They include:

  1. Surveillance
    1. Government will in the next three weeks aggressively increase screening for COVID-19 symptoms in the following places among others:
      1. i. Contacts of positive cases through the use of our regional rapid response teams
      2. ii. Screening at hospital entry points
  • iii. Intensified screening at clinics near situated informal crossings
  1. iv. Clients calling the emergency toll-free line reporting symptoms of COVID-19
  2. v. Returned travelers
  3. vi. Police roadblocks
  1. All those screened who fit the COVID-19 case definition will have samples taken for testing and be isolated as they await their results in order to curb infection rates
  2. Contact tracing will continue along with spatial monitoring of new cases and surveillance to identify and intervene in hotspots.
  1. Identification, isolation, testing and treatment of every case and contact
    1. Government has established a COVID-19 testing Laboratory in Mbabane and is working to upgrade the Lubombo Referral Laboratory for COVID-19 testing. In the next weeks we will train additional staff members on COVID-19 testing to increase capacity at the Mbabane Molecular Laboratory, including establishment of systems for seamless reporting of results.
    2. We have implemented forecasts for commodities required for testing required and these commodities will continue to be delivered to the country.
    3. The Ministry of Health will be conducting assessments of clients to determine if they are able to self-isolate at home, those who are unable to will be provided with facilities to do so.
    4. Government is recommending the use of ordinary cloth masks for the population at large which will be accompanied by mass education on the use of the masks. Even though ordinary masks do not prevent one from getting COVID-19, they prevent a person with COVID-19 from spreading it.
  2. Case Management
    1. We are building capacity to be able to safely treat all patients requiring hospitalization without resorting to crisis standards of care. We have procured additional beds, ventilators and have recruited additional staff to expand ICU bed capacity for the additional cases that may occur.
    2. Government is renovating some of the health facilities to increase isolation capacity of the country
    3. We are working with the teams on the ground to ensure that all facilities have areas for triage before entering for detection of COVID-19 symptoms.
    4. Approximately 50% of all Health Care workers have been trained and the remaining will be trained during the extension period
  3. Infection prevention and control
    1. All our frontline healthcare workers will be tested for COVID-19 as it is a priority to ensure their protection for continued service delivery
    2. Training on infection control measures for COVID-19 will continue on an ongoing basis as well as procurement and distribution of PPE
  4. Port health measures
    1. All returning travelers will be quarantined in a Government provided accommodation for 14 days upon entry into the country as it can take up to 2 weeks for symptoms to emerge

It is also evident that the pandemic is severely affecting our businesses, particularly small enterprises. Despite this reality, Government is committed to assist businesses to survive this partial lockdown. Clearly Government does not have the financial muscle and enough resources to save businesses from collapse but we remain determined to meet these businesses halfway and minimize the adverse impact of this pandemic on our economy. We will target those businesses that are willing to retain their employees and continue to pay them during this difficult period.

We will provide relief of up to E90 Million to businesses with a turnover of E8 million or less which mainly are small and medium enterprises. This relief will be directed to businesses that have continually supported the development of the country by complying with their tax obligations, which means they have filed and paid their taxes on time up to the 2019 tax year. This amount will be paid by way of tax refunds through the Eswatini Revenue Authority in monthly instalments of 25% of the actual tax paid in 2019. Specific guidelines on this relief will be provided through the Eswatini Revenue Authority.

May I acknowledge the role that has been played by the Deputy Prime Minister and the National Disaster task teams ever since a National Emergency was declared in the Kingdom. Our Regional Administrators and regional teams have been committed in implementing COVID 19 intervention measures at community level. A number of interventions that have taken place over the past 20 days include that:

  • Many public spaces and communities in the country have been assisted with hand washing facilities, including 506 water tanks and public information through the media and distribution of Information and Educational material has been increased.
  • The process of disinfecting public spaces has been initiated mainly in our cities and it will soon be extended to towns.
  • At least 500 Volunteers have been activated to work with communities to raise awareness.
  • A total E47 million in kind and E70 million in cash has been raised by both Government, businesses, individuals in Eswatini and development partners.

May I take this opportunity to thank our international friends and partners who have come on board to assist the Kingdom win this fight, including the gracious donation we have received from the United Nations. My sincere gratitude goes to Taiwan who are assisting us with financial and human resources, including supplying the country with the necessary equipment so required to conquer this virus. Taiwan has provided the Kingdom with 4 specialist doctors and equipment which include 13 ventilators, 500 forehead thermometers, 7 infrared scanners and 60 000 surgical masks.

Government is indebted to His Majesty King Mswati III and Ingwenyama for leading the charge against this virus and showing us direction. His Majesty is well and healthy. Those misleading the nation about his health will be dealt with in line with the law.

We are also appreciative to all Emaswati who have taken these tough measures in their stride. The nation is not doing government a favour by respecting the partial lockdown measures and following health advice but protecting each other, communities and country by acting responsibly.

May I inform the public that the production and distribution of alcohol is prohibited for the duration of this partial lockdown as it is considered high risk.

While this partial lockdown means people working in non essential will continue working from home, it is essential that I remind all heads of departments in the civil service to continue going to work to avoid grounding government machinery. All essential government services are expected to be operational without exception. It has also been of importance to ensure that all critical government institutions that are vital in keeping government functional be allowed to work.

I therefore announce that in the exercise of powers conferred by COVID 19 Regulation 25, the Prime Minister has also issued a directive varying the gathering of Parliament and Cabinet so that they can continue to operate during this partial lockdown as they are critical institutions for decision making.

As we observe the partial lockdown and restrict unnecessary movement and stay at home, let us remember to follow the precautionary guidelines as provided by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation. These include:

  • Our home environment should be kept clean and safe and all high touch surfaces must be disinfected regularly.
  • Wash hands regularly with running water and soap. Help the young to also appropriately wash hands. In the absence of water and soap, the public is advised to use sanitizers.
  • Stop shaking hands and use other non touch methods of greeting.
  • Maintain a distance of at least 1 metre from each other.
  • Avoid touching your face (mouth, nose, eyes) and cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Take care of the vulnerable, especially senior citizens and those with underlying respiratory conditions who are more susceptible to the coronavirus infection.
  • If you experience flu like symptoms (fever, difficulty breathing, cough, high temperature) visit your nearest health centre facility or call the Emergency Medical Services Toll free line 977. The public can also call the Emergency toll free line 112 for COVID 19 related emergency inquiries and for reporting incidences related to the response and interventions of the virus.

Thank you.

 Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini                    



15 April 2020



 National response to COVID-19 updates

As the World pushes ahead to confront what has been aptly branded as an invincible enemy, we are constantly reminded of the need to collectively accelerate our intervention efforts to urgently flatten the curve and save lives from the scourge of the coronavirus.

The statistics may be unsettling, with over 1.5 million people infected worldwide and over 80 000 deaths, but we have no reason to doubt that the continued push to contain the spread of this virus across our countries and communities will soon yield the desired outcome.

The Kingdom of Eswatini has not been spared from the effects of this global pandemic and our intervention has been swift and targeted at preventing an uncontrollable surge in infections which could adversely impact our health system. A lot of ground has been covered since a National Emergency was declared on 17 March 2020. This was followed by the implementation of a partial lockdown which entered its 14th day today. Let me reiterate that the virus does not move by itself but is moved by people hence the importance of adhering to the measures and regulations of the partial lockdown by principally staying at home.

Over the past two weeks, EmaSwati, in their majority, have heeded to the call to stay at home and adhered to the advice of the Ministry of Health and World Health Organisation to frequently wash hands with clean running water and soap and keep our home environments clean. This has been observed across many areas of the Kingdom. We understand that such a partial lockdown is unprecedented and has affected our normal daily lives and activities, but is it is necessary. Government wishes to appreciate all those who have made this sacrifice to stay home and observe all the measures as prescribed by health professionals and the regulations of the partial lockdown.

It is a given though that there are exceptions to the rule, as some citizens continue to ignore these COVID 19 regulations. This is regrettable and unfortunate as it places all of us in danger and negates our efforts to effectively contain the spread of the virus. Our security forces have risen up to the challenge and enforced the partial lockdown regulations, and we highly commend them for their service and urge the public to be responsible.

May I once again warn against ignoring these response interventions which have been put in place to protect our country and citizens, and in extension, contain the global spread of this pandemic. Getting back to our normal lives will be delayed if others refuse to see the bigger picture.

Many of our health professionals have been exceptional in the course of their work at the height of this scourge. They have answered the call of duty with distinction despite the risks that come with tackling this highly contagious virus. Government will continue to prioritise the safety of our health workers at the frontline of this disease. May I, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, pass my gratitude to all the health workers who are continuing to execute their duties with dedication and commitment to save lives.

Currently Eswatini has 12 confirmed COVID 19 cases. While the numbers are steadily rising, it is gratifying to note that seven of these patients have since tested negative and have been discharged. This speaks largely to the efficiency and dedication of our health sector which, though works under challenging circumstances, continues to be competent. It is also a challenge for all of us to vigilantly fight to contain the spread of the virus to ensure it does not overwhelm our health system. I may report to the nation that through the advice of my doctor I took a test for coronavirus early this week. My results are back and I have tested negative.

It is important to note that we have been reliant on South African laboratories to test for COVID 19 and the turn-around time of results has been dragging due to high demand. As announced by the Minister of Health yesterday, Government can report that our own laboratory facility has today started testing for COVID 19. This facility allows us to test up to a hundred of suspected cases a day. Such a facility gives Government the allowance to widen the testing scope to ensure that all suspected cases are quickly identified and proper interventions undertaken within a short space of time.

The National Disaster Task teams are continued to implement response measures across all regions of the Kingdom with an intensified awareness campaign. All four Regional Offices have deployed regional disaster management teams to spread messages door to door and distribute information and education material on COVID 19. Personal Protective Equipment has been distributed across our hospitals, health centres and clinics while training of health care workers, including the recently recruited nurses has been intensified. Government is aware that the equipment is still not enough to meet the demand and we are continuing with efforts to acquire more to protect our health workers and citizens.

Our gratitude goes to our international partners, companies and Non-Governmental Organisational who are working in close collaboration with Government in this COVID 19 response.

May I seize this opportunity to warn all those individuals and organisations within and out of the country who continue to paddle false information, using this pandemic to distract our focus and to push a political agenda aimed at destabilising the country. The peace and stability of our country is not negotiable and no one will be allowed to threaten it in any form or measure. Government will spare no effort in taking the necessary steps to protect the nation from uncanny characters with evil intentions.

As we head into the long Easter weekend, may I take this opportunity to encourage all of us to continue being vigilant and responsible, especially by staying at home and ensuring that all around us comply with the health precautions and COVID 19 regulations.

I urge all leaders of faith based organizations and worshippers to ensure that even during this period when we celebrate the redemption of mankind, we adhere to the COVID 19 regulations which requires everyone to be at home in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Our National Good Friday and Easter Sunday services will be broadcast live on Television and Radio with a link on Government social media platforms to allow all EmaSwati, in and out of the country, to access them.

As we observe the Easter holidays, let me emphasize once more the importance of following the precautionary guidelines as provided by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation. They include that:

  • Our home environment should be kept clean and safe and all high touch surfaces must be disinfected regularly.
  • Wash hands regularly with running water and soap. In the absence of water and soap, the public is advised to use sanitizers.
  • Stop shaking hands and use other non touch methods of greeting.
  • Maintain a distance of at least 1 metre from each other.
  • Avoid touching your face (mouth, nose, eyes) and cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Take care of the vulnerable, especially senior citizens and those with underlying respiratory conditions who are more susceptible to the coronavirus infection.
  • If you experience flu like symptoms (fever, difficulty breathing, cough, high temperature) visit your nearest health centre facility or call the Emergency Medical Services Toll free line 977.

Government has also established an Emergency toll free line 112 for COVID 19 related emergency inquiries and for reporting incidences related to the response and interventions of the virus. The partial lockdown will continue as announced for the duration of 20 days. Any review will be communicated to the public after the relevant consultations.

There has not been a time such as this in our recent history when we all, as individuals and together as a Nation, have to act urgently to ensure protection of our loved ones and indeed all our citizens.

May I, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, wish all emaSwati happy Easter Holidays. Let us stay at home, stay safe and save lives.

Thank you.


Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini                    



09 April 2020




Today the Kingdom of Eswatini entered its sixth day of the Partial Lockdown initiated to halt the spread of the coronavirus. With 850 000 confirmed COVID 19 cases and over 41 000 deaths globally, this virus is proving to be among the biggest health challenges the world has faced in many years. This is a highly contagious virus that has the tendency to spread like wildfire across communities and countries.

Eswatini remains with nine confirmed COVID19 cases, and at high risk and high alert. The Kingdom is currently under a status of National Emergency. The decision to activate a partial lockdown was crucial in flattening the curve and ensuring that the number of infected does not balloon to over burden our already strained health system. The past six days has been a period of many lessons with false starts and uncertainty is some instance as EmaSwati adapted to a change of lifestyle never experienced before.

I take this opportunity to thank all citizens who have heeded to the call to stop unnecessary travel and stay at home in adherence to the partial lockdown measures.

Experience from other countries has taught us that there is no better intervention to restrain the spread of the virus than to keep it contained in one place instead of spreading from community to community.

The virus does not move in itself but people move it and thus spread the risk of infecting others. The partial lockdown allows us to travel only for food supplies, medication, and for the workers in essential services. All other travel remains strictly prohibited.

May I take this opportunity to appreciate His Majesty King Mswati III and Ingwenyama for his incisive leadership and direction at this challenging time, and for calling for a National Day of Prayer which was successfully held on Sunday 29 March 2020. Thousands of EmaSwati, in and out of the country, joined the prayer through broadcast channels and Government social media platforms. As a nation we have no doubt that through prayer all things are possible.

My appreciation also goes to the Deputy Prime Minister for the role he has played in effectively leading the National Emergency response. The National Emergency Task teams, Regional and Sectorial Committees have accepted this responsibility with speed and commitment since the National Emergency was declared.

Government continues to pursue all avenues that will lessen the negative effects of this partial lockdown on the pockets of the populace.  To cushion EmaSwati from the economic impact of this period and the devasting effects of the coronavirus, Government has made several interventions. These include:

  • The Central Bank has reduced the discount rate by 100 basis points. This reduces the cost of debt by 1%.
  • Government has reduced the price of fuel with effect from midnight 2 April 2020.
  • The increase in the price of electricity has been suspended for two months.
  • The renewal of motor vehicles registration has been extended without attracting penalties to the 29th May.
  • Taxpayers projecting losses are expected to file loss provisional returns and no payment will be required.
  • Government is engaging the transport sector with a view to assist with a small subsidy to ensure the industry to continue transporting workers in essential services and citizens embarking on essential travel.

We are thankful to the cooperation we are getting from the transport industry in this difficult period for them and business as a whole. Government further appreciates law enforcement agencies for ensuring that the public complies with the partial lockdown measures.

May I emphasize the importance of allowing only essential travel and essential businesses to operate. We are cognisant of the massive economic impact that this partial lockdown will have on business. This decision was not taken lightly. We are called upon to prioritise the health of our people at all times. No one will work in these businesses if EmaSwati would succumb to this virus. The lives of all EmaSwati matters and cannot be compromised. We therefore plead for patience and understanding as we traverse together through this difficult path and challenging times for our economy and country.

It has been observed that while the virus does not generally discriminate in terms of age, it has the tendency to substantially affect the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. Therefore, it is important for Government to protect our elderly from being exposed to this virus especially in the issuance of the elderly grant where large numbers of people gather at one time. Government has taken the decision to pay all elderly grants electronically with immediate effect. This is done in collaboration with Eswatini Post and Telecommunication Corporation, MTN Eswatini and Eswatini Mobile. The distribution of grants is going well so far. The elderly are very appreciative of this initiative and clearly this is a significant step forward towards Vision 2022.

Government has also approved a preliminary costed procurement plan for the COVID-19 Eswatini National Emergency Response after wide consultation with stakeholders. The Resource Mobilization team has been able to raise E18 million towards the Covid-19 Response. This would not have come at a better time as financial resources are urgently needed to procure more health equipment and material so desperately needed to effectively manage the spread of the virus. An assessment of the overall amount of financial resources required to fight this pandemic is underway and the public will be informed. To this end, Government fully appreciates the generosity of all our international friends and local companies that have already donated towards the response.

To cope with the demands of halting the spread of coronavirus, Government has recruited several health personnel. They include eight doctors, 145 nurses, environmental health specialists, paramedics, orderlies and others. A total of 1,007 nurses from all levels, 147 medical doctors and over 3,000 rural health motivators have been trained on COVID 19. Training is an important element in the fight against the virus and will be an ongoing exercise. Our rural health motivators are crucial in reaching out to communities and helping with the required information to stop the spread of COVID 19.

Forty water tanks with a capacity of 5000 litres each have been procured and distributed to various communities in the country to provide running water to wash hands.

The priority has been rural areas which are experiencing water shortages. We are aware this is not enough and Government continues with the programme to bring clean water closer to all EmaSwati. 

Government is in contact with EmaSwati in high risk countries ensuring their wellbeing and safety at this time.

This pandemic continues to test our resolve as a nation and we have the opportunity to leverage on its effects to uplift our communities. Once again let us be all vigilant and follow all the partial lockdown measures and health precautions as provided by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation. The public is advised to rejects myths and conspirancy theories that seem to dominate the social media platforms.

As we observe the partial lockdown and restrict unnecessary movement and stay at home, let us remember to follow the precautionary guidelines as provided by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation. These include:

  • Our home environment should be kept clean and safe and all high touch surfaces must be disinfected regularly.
  • Wash hands regularly with running water and soap. Help the young to also appropriately wash hands. In the absence of water and soap, the public is advised to use sanitizers.
  • Stop shaking hands and use other non touch methods of greeting.
  • Maintain a distance of at least 1 metre from each other.
  • Avoid touching your face (mouth, nose, eyes) and cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Take care of the vulnerable, especially senior citizens and those with underlying respiratory conditions who are more susceptible to the coronavirus infection.
  • If you experience flu like symptoms (fever, difficulty breathing, cough, high temperature) visit your nearest health centre facility or call the Emergency Medical Services Toll free line 977.

The message is clear, stay at home and save yourself, family, community and the country.

Thank you.Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini                    



01 April 2020

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