Office of the Auditor General Partners

Technical capacity within the Auditor General is anchored in well researched, tried and tested international best practice. Cooperation with international organizations iis eminent in membership and MoUs with various organizations including; the International Organizations for Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), Commonwealth Auditors General, Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP), African Organization OF Supreme Audit Institutions - English speaking (AFROSAI-E) and Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) . The relationships with these organizations are pivotal in promoting knowledge and experience sharing pertinent to high quality audits. As such, the OAG's partnership with these organizations provides a wealth of knowledge useful in the conduct of audits. 
The Office also receives on -gong institutional and technical capacity building from professional encounters with other regional SAIs through training workshops, meetings and sharing of reference materials mainly from AFROSAI-E

 int common  MTCP LOGO logo  Itec
International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institution (INTOSAI)  Commonwealth Auditors General  Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP)  African Organization for Supreme Audit Institution  Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation Programme


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