Our Vision

The Parliament of Eswatini has a vision of where it wants to be in the future, to be counted among the best and effective legislatures in the world and therefore, all our actions are within the framework of reaching this vision.

Our vision is one that all facets of society can associate with and unite behind. The Vision of the Parliament of Eswatini is:

To be an efficient, transparent and accessible Parliament of the people, that ensures shared national growth and prosperity.

Our Mission

In order to give meaning to our vision and work towards its attainment, the Parliament of

Eswatini has carved a mission statement that should guide and steer the institution in its day-to-day functioning. The Mission of the Parliament of Eswatini is:

To provide an environment where the passage of legislation

and the exercise of oversight over the Executive is done in a dignified and honest manner, putting the people first.

 Our Core values

Being a representative institution of the people, the Parliament of Eswatini (both legislators and staff), will uphold the highest level of ethics and values in the delivery of services and performance of its functions. The Core Values on which the Parliament of Eswatini stand are:

Professionalism,Integrity,Confidentiality,Independence, Accountability, Responsiveness and Teamwork.


The general objective of Parliament is to assist Members of the House of Assembly and Senators in their consideration and passage of legislation as well as national issues of good governance - which are the proper application and usage of resources by government, and to ensure transparency and accountability in actions and decisions undertaken by the Executive.

Strategic objectives

The Parliament of Eswatini works towards attaining five strategic goals which provide guidance and a sense of operational direction as well as contribute collectively in making the Parliament effective. Each of the goals has a number of sub-objectives and specific activities that have to be implemented for the strategic goals to be realised.

The strategic goals have been crafted based on extensive consultations with various stakeholders from within and outside Parliament. Parliamentarians, Parliamentary staff, Civil Society Organizations, donor agencies, and academia were consulted during the process. A baseline of the current conditions and standing of the Parliament and best practices in parliamentary development also informed these goals.

The goals have been fashioned based on the need to strengthen Parliament as an institution as well as to ensure that it continues to enhance its capacity in legislating, providing oversight and representing the people while capitalizing on modern day technological advancements. The five strategic goals of the Parliament of Eswatini together with the corresponding major initiatives are summarized below:

  1. to develop an efficient and effective parliamentary service
  • create a conducive working environment
  • enhance Human Resource management
  • systematic and continuous capacity development for staff
  • institute performance management systems

2.Improve financial  management:

  • enhance departmental operational capacity
  • Set up parliamentary support co-ordination unit
  • knowledge exchange program for Members of the Parliamentary Service Board

3. to strengthen the legislative capacity of Parliament.

  • provide training for Parliamentarians and Senators on Rules and Procedures of Parliament
  • developing a manual and training for Parliamentarians on the legislative process
  • provide technical support for Parliamentarians on the legislative process
  • create an open and transparent legislative process through increased interaction with CSO’s and the public
  • improve communication and co-operation with government on legislative issues
  • facilitate the ratification of international instruments

4. to improve the capacity of Parliament to provide effective oversight:

  • strengthen committees for effective oversight
  • strengthen the PAC and build linkages with accountability institutions
  • enhance research services

The Eswatini Parliament derives its mandate and functions from the 2005 Eswatini Constitution. Parliament is the primary legislative organ of the Kingdom of Eswatini and its main function is to make laws on any matter for the peace, order and development and good governance of Eswatini and to protect the constitution, which is the supreme law of the country. In formal terms, the Eswatini Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Assembly. The two chambers sit separately, but generally, all Bills must be passed by both chambers and receive the Royal Assent. No legislation can come into being without the Royal assent, and (most) Bills must be passed by both chambers of Parliament


To affirm the authority and sovereignty of Parliament and to ensure timeous and effective fulfillment of its mandate.


The mission and purpose of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Eswatini is to initiate, consider, enact legislation and monitor its implementation in the interest and welfare of the King and the people of Eswatini.


  • To pass laws or legislation.
  • Scrutinize and oversee Executive action( keep oversight of the Executive and organs of State)
  • Facilitate public participation and involvement in the legislative and other processes.
  • To participate in, promote and oversee co-operative government.


The term of Parliament is five years from the date of its sitting after a general election. The King has power to summon Parliament at any time during the emergency


The Eswatini  Parliament  is Bicameral; it consists of The Senate and the House of Assembly.


The Senate consists of Thirty Members (called Senators). The House of Assembly elects ten Senators (by majority vote) and the King appoints the remaining twenty. Appointed Senators include chiefs, Princes and Princesses (Bantfwabenkhosi) and special interests.


The House of Assembly consists of Sixty-six members. Fifty-five are directly elected from the fifty-five Tinkhundla Centers, ten members appointed by the King, the Speaker was elected from outside by the House of Assembly and the Attorney General who is an ex-officio member. The King appoints the nominated members of the House of Assembly after consultation with such bodies as he considers appropriate and taking into consideration any special interest not already adequately represented in the House.



When the Senate first meets after any general election, and before it proceeds to dispatch any other business, it elects, from within the Senate or outside the Senate, a person to be the President of the Senate in accordance with the Standing Orders.

Deputy President

The Deputy President is elected from Senators at the first meeting of the Senate after the general election or whenever such office has become vacant, in accordance with the Standing Orders.

The Speaker

When the Speaker first meets after any general election, and before it proceeds to dispatch any other business, it elects, from within the Members or outside the House of Assembly, a person to be the Speaker of the House of Assembly in accordance with the Standing Orders.

The Deputy Speaker

The Deputy Speaker is elected from Members of the House of Assembly at the first meeting of the House of Assembly after the general election or whenever such office has become vacant, in accordance with the Standing Orders.

Names of Office bearers

President: Sen. Lindiwe Dlamini

Deputy President: Sen. Ndumiso Mdluli

Speaker: Hon. Petros Mavimbela

Deputy Speaker: Hon. Phila Buthelezi


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