Ministerial Office Building , off Mhlambanyatsi Road, Mbabane
Head of Department: Director of Statistics, Mr. Amos Zwane

Tel: +268 2404 2151/2


The Central Statistical Office (CSO) is empowered by the Statistics Act of 1967 to collect and analyse statistics.


The mission isto effectively coordinate the National Statistical System, provide high quality statistical data and information required for evidence-based policy, planning and decision-making for national socio-economic development, administration, accountability, and to promote a culture of using statistics”.


For Statistical Products and Information

The C.S.O. operates through the following Sections:

Economic Statistics

  • Prices Section
  • Tourism Section
  • National Accounts Section
  • Business Register Section

Agriculture and Social Statistics Division

  • Household based surveys ( DHS, SHIES e.t.c)
  • Agricultural surveys

Demography and Vital Statistics

  • Census
  • Vital Statistics

Statistical Services Division

  • Information Technology
  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Swazi Info
  • Publications, Information & Dissemination

Economic Statistics Section

National Accounts Unit

The section produces Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures annually. Data collection is by mail surveys to all businesses in the country. The following censuses are annually carried out to cover the various GDP sectors:

  • Census of agricultural enterprises and timber plantations
  • Census of industries (mining, manufacturing, electricity and water)
  • Census of small industries
  • Census of construction, civil engineering and allied industrie
  • Census of distribution and commerce
  • ensus of small traders, general dealers, butcheries, etc
  • Census of hotels and restaurants
  • Census of small restaurants
  • Census of transport industry
  • Census of landlords, real estate companies and agents
  • Census of the service industry
  • Census of banks and financial institutions
  • Census of insurance companies, agents, brokers
  • Census of social, charitable, religious, educational, welfare, etc. organizations

The business register has to be kept and maintained (updating) by the section. Due to low response rate follow-up is done by physically visiting non-responding businesses. The latest GDP estimates are for 2009. The section also produces Short-Term Economic Indicators, which are published quarterly.

Prices Unit

There are currently three ongoing activities within this Section and are as follows:

Consumer Price Index Survey – this survey is conducted on a monthly basis and data is also available on a monthly basis. The main objective of the survey is to measure consumer price inflation or simply put the change in prices of consumer goods in the country. The most current report for this survey is August 2010. Compilation for the September CPI is at an advanced stage.

Harmonized Consumer Price Index for SADC and COMESA – this is also an ongoing activity for which data is compiled in parallel with the CPI. The main objective of the HCPI is to have one index for the SADC and COMESA regions respectively as well as to facilitate comparison of indices within these regions through the adoption of one standard of classification and acceptable methods of compilation. At present, the office submits preliminary indices to SADC/COMESA and it is envisaged that the first HCPI for these regions will be released in January 2011. Currently the country has submitted data up to August 2010.

International Comparison Programme for Africa – this project was initiated by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and is ongoing. The main objective of the ICP is to produce Purchasing Power Parities for Africa and for the various economic and trading blocks in the continent. Since this project started, the office has been able to submit the required data to the AfDB timeously. For the 2010 ICP Prices survey, data is collected and compiled on a quarterly basis.

The AfDB has launched the 2011 ICP round. This next round of the ICP is a full survey. Data for the prices survey of the ICP will be collected in rural and urban outlets for all the twelve months of the upcoming calendar year. Preparations for the ICP pilot survey scheduled for November 2010 are ongoing.

Tourism Section

This unit currently compiles accommodation related statistics from all tourism establishments in the country. Over and above the lodging related statistics, an estimation of tourists’ expenditures in the country is compiled. Preliminary figures for the Hotel statistics are currently available up to June 2010.


 For Statistical Products and Information

The Agriculture and Social Statistics Section

Social surveys unit

The social surveys section specializes in the implementation of two large scale surveys, namely the Swaziland Demographic and Health Survey (SDHS) and the Swaziland Household Income and Expenditure Survey (SHIES). Both surveys are conducted on a five yearly basis. The section also assists other government and non-governmental organizations who may need guidance in other research related activities.

At present, the section is currently involved in the implementation of the SHIES 2009/10. The SHIES is a national survey designed to provide information on income and expenditure patterns of the Swazi population. This information will be used to measure the standard of living of the population; in particular it will show the extent of poverty in the country. Information on poverty levels is necessary for the monitoring and evaluation of the National Development Strategy (NDS), the Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Plan (PRSAP) and some of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The survey will also provide benchmark information for the computation of the CPI in the form of ‘weights’. Due to changing consumer habits, the consumer’s basket of commodities also changes thus necessitating a revision of the weights upon which the Consumer Price Index is built on. The SHIES is also a good source of data for other socio-economic statistics such as employment and education.

Agriculture unit

Under this section the following surveys are conducted

  • Census of agriculture is conducted once after ten years. The next one is envisaged to be conducted in 2012.
  • Swazi Nation Land annual survey, available maize area figures are for the year 2009/2010. Processing of the main report for the 2009/2010 season is ongoing and is expected to be completed by third quarter.

Demography and Vital Statistics Division

The demography and vital statistics section produces demographic, economic and social information for the country. The Census is the major source of data analyzed within this section. Currently the section is responsible for producing the 2007 Census thematic reports, statistical tables and population projections.

Information on the following areas is available in the section. This information is based on the data obtained from the Census.

  • Population composition
  • Spatial distribution of population and density
  • Fertility and nuptiality statistics
  • Mortality statistics
  • Education statistics
  • Economic statistics
  • Labour force statistics
  • Migration & Urbanization statistics
  • Households and Housing conditions statistics Information products
  • Analytical Reports
  • Statistical tables

Statistical Services Section

Information Technology unit

This section works with the management and maintenance of the CSO’s website and network related issues, including network support. It also provides Computer Technical support for the CSO personnel. In addition, the section keeps inventory of hardware within the CSO, and maintains all computer hardware.

On another note, this section is entrusted with Data Processing. This involves data capture, where data is entered into computers to create a complete survey dataset. This process also involves the cleaning of data files to remove errors and provide statisticians with an analytic dataset. Furthermore, the unit also produces tables for reporting.

The National Database Management System (SwaziInfo and CensusInfo)

SwaziInfo Database

SwaziInfo is a national database system that harnesses the power of advanced information technology to compile and disseminate data on human development. It contains merged country level datasets on global and local indicators obtained through national surveys as the Swaziland Housing and Population Censuses, Swaziland Household and Income Expenditure Surveys (SHIES) and Demographic Health Surveys (DHS), statistics from the different line Ministries, Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs), institutions and agencies that collect , process, analyze and disseminate information. In addition, progress on the MDGs, Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Plan (PRSAP), United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis (VAA), Gender Themes and many more development frameworks and strategies may be tracked as well.

The first version of the database, Swazi Info 1.0 was launched in 2006 and the second version, SwaziInfo 2.0 in 2009. Continuous upgrades and updates are done on a daily basis hence work is in progress for the next version of the database.

Census Info Database

CensusInfo is a newly developed, similar database system as SwaziInfo. It differs from SwaziInfo by its organization, storage and dissemination of census data only. CensusInfo’s unique focus on the population census is due to the characteristic of censuses of being able to provide comparable basic statistics for a country as a whole, and, more importantly, at small administrative levels or domains. Census information, therefore, contributes to overall planning in a country or area by making it possible to objectively plan at sub-national administrative levels.

Work is in progress for the country’s first CensusInfo database which is likely to be launched before the end of 2010

GIS Section

This unit is responsible for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced data. Maps displaying various types of information are the primary products of this unit. The maps and corresponding information is then provided to users through the Publication & Information Dissemination office.

Publication & Dissemination Information Section

This section works with dissemination of CSO data and promotes CSO activities. It also educates the public about what the office does, including marketing the office’s products, so that the public can get a better understanding of the need to support and work hand- in- hand with the office. As part of dissemination, the unit deals with the organization, coordination and publishing of the Annual Statistical Bulletin.


For Statistical Products and Information


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