NO: 01/2013

 Cabinet has approved the following;


a) Swaziland Broadcasting Bill 2012 and Swaziland Broadcasting Corporation Bill 2010


Cabinet has approved the Swaziland Broadcasting Bill 2010 and the Swaziland Broadcasting Corporation Bill 2010.

The Swaziland Broadcasting Bill 2010 seeks to harmonize the whole broadcasting industry. This is the legislation that will be used by the Independent Communications Regulator once it is in place when regulating the broadcasting sector.

 The objects of the Bill, among others, are to;

i)       Provide for the regulation of sound and television services in Swaziland;


ii)        Provide for maximum availability of broadcasting to the people through the three tier system of public, commercial and community broadcasting services;


iii)  Provide for broadcasting to contribute to the socio-economic development of society, nation building, provision of education and the strengthening of the spiritual and moral fibre.

iv)    Safeguard, enrich and strengthen the cultural, political, social and economic fabric of Swaziland.


v)      Contribute to democracy, development of society, gender equality, nation building, and provision of education;


vi)       Encourage the development of local programming content;


vii)      Ensure fair competition in the broadcasting sector;


viii)     Provide for public, commercial and community broadcasting services.


The Swaziland Broadcasting Corporation Bill 2010 is mainly for the establishment of the Swaziland Broadcasting Corporation which shall be a national broadcaster for the Kingdom of Swaziland by amalgamating the operations and resources of the two existing broadcasters, Swazi Television and the Swaziland Broadcasting and Information Services.

The Bill seeks further to provide for the licensing of the Corporation; provide for the establishment of a Board of Directors to run the Corporation.

 The two Bills will be submitted to Parliament for approval.

b) The Plant Health Protection Bill 2012


Cabinet has approved the Plant Health Protection Bill 2012.

The Bill seeks to prevent the spread of trans-boundary plant pests and to facilitate trade in plants and plant products in accordance with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) standards.

The Bill proposes a repeal of the current Plant Control Act, 1981.

Potential benefits to be gained through the improved legal instrument and plant health system in Swaziland include;


i)          Better organized national plant health system.


ii)        Reduced risk of introduction and spread of alien plant pests that would threaten national food and plant security.


iii)    Increased transparency and confidence in Swaziland’s system and products amongst present and future trading partners.


iv)        Access to new markets


c)Public Health Bill 2012


Cabinet has approved the Public Health Bill 2012.

This Bill seeks to promote, protect and enhance good health of the public, and further promote efficiency in achieving this goal.

 The objects of the Bill are to;


i)    Promote public health within the country and to provide measures directed at preventing, controlling and treating diseases and conditions;

ii)       Provide an enabling environment by establishing facilitative structures in the form of advisory and Management health committees;

iii)     Define duties and responsibilities of health personnel in the public health sector;

iv)        Provide for the establishment of a Health Service Commission that will be responsible for appointing officers in the public health sector.


v)          Repeal the Public Health Act, No.5 of 1969.


d) Draft PPP Policy of the Government of Swaziland


Cabinet has approved the Public Private Partnership (PPP) policy.

 Government’s vision in adopting this PPP policy is to accelerate the provision of infrastructure at a high level by utilizing resources of the private sector and also provide an investment opportunity for the private sector.

 The rationale to adopt the use of the PPPs is based in the efficiency the private sector can bring in the delivery of projects, to improve maintenance of Government assets, to save costs and to improve delivery of services to the public.

e)International Women’s Day Commemoration- 2013


Cabinet has approved the National commemoration of the 2013 International Women’s Day.

 The commemoration shall be held on a date that is yet to be announced.

The 2013 International Women’s Day theme as announced by the United Nations is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women.”

 The theme seeks to promote ongoing global and national efforts to end violence against women and support efforts and strategies to increase investments focused on gender equity, equality and women empowerment.

 The country’s focus will be on two key messages;


·        “A true leader supports action to end violence against women.”


·        “Ending violence against women begins with me.”


On the day of commemoration, members of the constituency will be engaged in dialogue on issues relating to violence.


Percy N. Simelane                                         21 February 2012 Government Spokesman



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