The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Unit in the ministry serves as the Secretariat of the SADC National Committee (SNC) comprising of Principal Secretaries in the Government ministries and the key stakeholder representatives in each year. The SADC Organisation is a regional community bloc comprising fifteen (15) member states namely Angola, Botswana, DR Cong, Lesotho,Madagascar, Malawi,Mauritius,Mozambique, Seychelles,South frica,Namibia,Swaziland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Article 5 of SADC treaty outilines the SADC objectives and they include amoungst others , poverty aleviation with the ultimate objectives to eradicate it ;Consolidation, defending and manitainind democracy, peace , security and stability : promoting self sustaining development based on collective self reliance , inter dependency of member states and achievments of complimentarity between national and regional strategies and programmes. the objective also include promotion and maximazation of productive employment and utilization of resources of the Region to achiev sustainable utilisation of natural resources and effective protection of environment as well as mainstreaming genger into community building.