Masterpro Nivo Slider 3.xMasterpro Nivo Slider 3.xMasterpro Nivo Slider 3.x

altEnergy intensity is strongly influenced by the technology choices and practices of consumers. With the ever-growing population come an increase in the demand of energy and an increase in green house gas emission. Therefore, there is a great need to use energy efficiently through rolling out an Energy Efficiency and Conservation programme.

Energy efficiency and conservation programmes aim to encourage optimum use of all energy forms, at the end-use level. Opportunities for improving end-use efficiencies exist in all the main economic sectors e.g. households, industry etc. The household sector provides significant opportunities for energy savings through the change of individual behaviour e.g. developing a culture to switch-off appliances when not in use, use of more efficient light bulbs etc. Similarly numerous opportunities are available in industry e.g. more efficient motors, more efficient steam systems etc.

With government owning a lot of buildings in all four regions, The Ministry has established a programme for Energy efficiency in public buildings, which will focus on government buildings. This will provide an ideal venue to showcase and document energy opportunities while saving Government a lot of money.

The programme looks at:

I. Reducing energy intensity by increasing the use of renewables in Government buildings through financing and managing projects in various Government institutions. E.g. Solar water Heating, Photovoltaic systems, etc. This is an ongoing project that will see a lot of government institutions utilising renewables for most of their energy demands. Boarding Schools, Correctional Services and Hospitals will be of first priority due to the nature of their operations.

II. Promoting procurement of efficient equipment and appliances in government institutions. The Ministry will work on a strategy to ensure that government utilises energy efficient equipment.

III. Developing a programme that will integrate energy efficiency measures into standard practices and procedures within Government.

IVRolling out of an awareness campaign that will cover both Government personnel and the general public at large. The ministry will continuously run awareness articles in the local print media. For the electronic media the Ministry will secure a slot where issues pertaining to energy will be discussed.

The success of this project will result in:

I. Reduction of Swaziland’s Electricity import.
II. Reduction in Government energy bills.
III. Improved environmental friendliness.
IV. Improved public awareness on efficient means of using energy, whilst addressing poverty alleviation through savings on energy bills.


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