The Teacher service commission will strive to offer her clients with the most outstanding service in terms of uncomplicated and undistracted commitment to her business. The focus is on:

  • Appointments (including promotions and transfers) and selection of candidates for appointments, confirmation of appointments, termination of appointments, disciplinary control and removal from office of teachers.
  • Ensuring that every position is filled by the right person timeously and effectively.
  • Maintain integrity, trust, justice, peace, highest ethic standards.

The above shall be an indicator of professional quality of the performance of the TSC.


  • The functions of the Commission are to:
  • Make appointments (including promotions and transfers) and selection of candidates for appointment, confirmation of appointments, termination of appointments, disciplinary control and removal from office of teachers in the Teaching Service;
  • Develop and formulate national standards for the Teaching Service in respect of –
  • Recruitment and appointment procedures;
  • Instruments of appointment;
  • Transfer of teachers;
  • Termination of appointments;
  • Removal from office of teachers;
  • Maintain a service adequate to the needs of all public schools in Swaziland;
  • Establish and maintain a record of all teachers in the Teaching Service;
  • Make recommendations to the Minister on terms and conditions of service and methods of ensuring improvements in general working conditions within the Teaching Service;
  • Compile and publish a code of conduct and discipline binding on all persons in the Teaching Service;
  • Pay the wages of all teachers employed in the Teaching Service;
  • Advise the Minister, from time to time, on matters affecting the Teaching Service;
  • To do such other things as are, in the opinion of the Commission, incidental or conducive to the exercise of its functions and powers under this Act.
  • In the performance of its functions, the Commission may seek the advice of teachers’ associations on matters affecting the Teaching Service with a view to improving and promoting the conditions of service for all teachers in the Service.

Employment of Teachers
Application for employment is sent to the Teaching Service Commission Executive Secretary, and the Commission does the final selection.
People who qualify to be teachers:

  • Has successfully completed a course for teachers and has been awarded a qualification approved by the Director for purposes of teaching.
  • Is in position of a University Degree, Diploma or any other similar qualification approved by the Director for teaching Purposes.

Applications are to be submitted with the following: (3 certified copies of)

  • A birth certificate or an affidavit of birth to prove the applicants date of birth or presumed date of birth
  • Certification of registration or naturalization issued under the Citizenship Act of 1967.
  • Original Certificates of educational and professional qualifications to prove educational and professional qualification.
  • Medical report to be submitted also.
  • Passport size photos.
  • Marriage certificate (if married)
  • ID
  • Graded tax certificate
  • Unlevel certificate or any other equivalent certificate
  • For foreigners (new applicants), applicants are also required to submit the following documents from their country of origin.  These documents should be translated into English:

1.    Police report/clearance
2.    Valid passport

A Minimum Standard of professional Conduct for Teachers:

The acceptance and practice of Christian Principles by teachers is the best and surest foundation for a system of education. This may be a counsel of perfection, but every teacher should at least be expected to recognize that he has certain responsibility to:

  • The child under his/her care
  • The community in which he/she lives
  • His/her profession

His/her employer

  • To the child: a teacher agrees that this chief responsibility is towards child under his/her care and that he/she has all times duty to guide each child in and out of school in the development of his/her personality and as a member of the community.
  • To the community: a teacher must therefore fully understand the community among which he/she works. He/she must at all times be ready to explain to his/her pupils their place in their families and in the community of which the family forms such an important part. He/she must explain to them their duty to obey all lawful authority and he/she should, by his/her own personal life set them an example in these matters.

To the profession: a teacher recognizes teaching as a vocation and more than mere gainful employment. He/she is therefore under obligation to conduct himself/herself according to the following rules:

  1. To follow at all times the highest standard of professional conduct.
  2. To work conscientiously and with diligence and regularity.
  3. To set a good example in his/her conduct, his/her person and his/her dress code
  4. At all times to the children under his/her care.
  5. To try continually to improve his/her standard of work and ability.
  6. To take an active part in all school activities, both in and out of school.
  7. To acknowledge that failure to maintain a high professional standard may involve
  8. Disciplinary penalty.
  9. To acknowledge that the commission of an offence under regulation 15 of the Teaching Service Regulations, 1983, constitutes serious misconduct.
  10. To the Employer: a teacher agrees to serve according to the Conditions of Service laid down in the Teaching Service Act,1982 and Teaching Service Regulations 1983.


  • Primary Teachers Diploma: Primary School teachers
  • Secondary Teachers Diploma: Junior Secondary School teachers
  • Degree with Education: Senior Secondary School teachers
  • Or any qualification equivalent to these

A teacher wishing to join the service should apply to:
The Executive Secretary
Teaching Service Commission
P.O.Box 976

1.1 A teacher wishing to transfer writes to the School Manager requesting the transfer through the Head teacher and the Regional Educational Officer.
1.2 If a School Manager wishes to transfer a teacher, he/she consults the Regional Education officer giving details of the teacher and the school he/she wishes to transfer to.
1.3 The School Manager and the Regional Education Officer examine the implications of the transfers. In a case of Aided Schools, the Regional Education Officer jointly with the School Manger compile a list of transfer requests and submit it to the Teaching Service Commission in September to be effected at the beginning of the school year. This is becoming awkward since the academic year for tertiary institutions is not in phase with the school year.
1.4 In the case of a maintained school the Regional Education Officer submits a list to the School Manger (Under Secretary for Education) who in turn consults with all the Regional Educational Officers in a meeting of Transfers Committee. The Manager then submits the recommendations of the Committee for approval by the Teaching Service Commission.
1.5 The Teaching Service Commission writes to the teachers and copy the Regional Education Officers and School Manager informing them of the transfers.
The following table further clarifies the process of transfers.

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